Saturday, August 18, 2012

I have models in 3 competitions right now:

Kaiden Thorne is in the Manly Man comp on Simtech and also in Virile Male Modeling on Unbound:

Merrick Reece is in Hot or Naught Cycle 5 on Unbound:

Those are the last of the competitions I am in and after this I am seriously taking a break. I just finished my term for Medical Transcription and am now starting Billing and Coding...while working full-time! I need a I am thinking about maybe just doing some building, playing, and sim creating. If you see some sims/lots for download here, you know what I am doing in game!

I haven't updated in awhile so here are some photos I have done lately for competitions. There is some nudity, so peruse with that warning!  Sorry, trying

So, I created a couple of banners for different sites in their banner challenges.
Here is the one for Simtech:

Here is the one for Unbound:

I actually won the Unbound challenge though truly, not many people entered this time :/

Here is the link to the page if you want to check it out though :)  It is a really awesome site with great simmers and lots of fun and competitions to enter, too!