Thursday, February 2, 2012

SFNTF Finale winner: Pia Santarelli

FINALLY--There is a winner for SFNTF!  Pia Santarelli is The Next Fashionista :)  Congratulations, Pia, you earned it!!!

My newest sim: Ella Reeves

I am trying to get better at creating sims. Here is my latest: Ella Reeves......

Head shot:

Body shot:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Okay, finally had a chance to edit my pic for assignment 4 for Dark Shadowz! I love it :)  I have never drawn clothes and what I did was no big deal, but I don't think it is bad for a first try! I drew the blindfold and made the hair fall over it; probably looks disproportionate, but oh well.....

P.S. Story coming soon :)

Here is the story (not too happy with it, though..sounds rushed):


It was strangling me and I couldn’t seem to breathe. My chest was on fire with my heart beating so swiftly; like a scared rabbit running from the hunter. Little did I know how true that analogy was and how my rapidly beating heart was making the evil surrounding me hunger for my blood.

I had been walking home when, the next thing I knew, there was total darkness surrounding me. I was blind to everything. I reached up to feel my eyes and encountered rough fabric—a blindfold!
I reached around to pull it off but it wouldn’t move. My heart stopped beating for a full second before it started again, beating wildly in terror. I wanted to run, to escape and hide, but I was frozen in place.

I sensed a wicked, evil presence around me but I couldn’t see at all. I could hear, though, and smell. Feminine moans rang in my ears but were they pain or pleasure? Dark rustlings echoed loudly in my terrified mind. I just couldn’t begin to understand what was happening around me. There was the smell of dust and mold; bringing to mind some place that had been abandoned. No sounds of everyday life reached my ears; traffic, kids playing, or barking dogs could not be heard from anywhere.

Frightened of what was to become of me, I fell to my knees in dread. A line from a book flashed across my thoughts: “Hope strengthens. Fear kills.” I was beyond fear; I was in terror. Hope had no place here. What did that mean for me?

Monday, January 30, 2012

Well, I have my shot for Assignment 4 of Dark Shadowz :)  I just need to edit it and then write the story :/   Not sure how I want it to go. The pic is one of my faves so far, so I really want to do it right with the editing. I will post it all when I am finished!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Well, I did okay but I still have soooo much to learn! I don't expect to win but I am always going to do my best :) 

On another note, I did get mentioned in the Unbound newspaper! cool :) I LOVE this site; everyone is so nice and welcoming ;}
Check out the whole newspaper, here: